Our New Technology
New Solution to Old Problems
![Newlands Coal Mine_Aerial](https://newh2oenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Newlands-Coal-Mine_Aerial.png)
New H2O Energy Pty Ltd is an energy company specializing in building and operating Pumped Hydro Energy Storages in repurposed Coal Mines: schedulable green power, low capital and operating cost, using proven technology, in regional locations, on the grid. By using already constructed works (mine, roadways, connection to the grid, etc), construction is essentially complete. HDM is initially targeting electricity supply for peak demand periods, planning on disruptive green capture of base load supply and is examining potentially dominant entry into the market for green Hydrogen.
New H2O Energy’s pumped hydro energy storage system
New H2O Energy’s pumped hydro energy storage system
![Coal_Hhdro Pumped energy](https://newh2oenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Coal_Hhdro-Pumped-energy.png)
Hydromine offers a new approach to power generation which takes advantage of existing constructed works at coal mines (upper reservoir, declines and shafts, underground voids plus existing infrastructure), to save capital and deliver electricity on a low-cost green basis. The opportunity is based on repurposing old coal mines, particularly longwall mines, together with certain patented IP. HDM utilises this established “capital”, and existing workforce and transmission facilities, and thereby offers a “cut through” to low cost green electricity on a 24/7 basis.
The repurposing also involves the recovery by the coal mining company of environmental rehabilitation bonds and/or removal of said liabilities from their balance sheets (of the order of A$100-200M per modern mine). Three development phases are envisaged:
- Supply of electricity to meet peak load demand, initially using coal fired off-peak electricity and soon to be replaced with Solar PV and Wind) expanding to
- Supply for base load demand, extending to
- Supply for commercial production of cleaned up water and production and export of hydrogen (H2)
These phases involve corresponding projects: a 10-20MW demonstration, a 100MW small commercial unit, a 500MW commercial project and then a large, 1,000MW project. A MOU and a site option agreement have been agreed regarding a former coal mine, on the grid, near Brisbane. Two proposals regarding PPA’s have been received.
![3D_Surface to drift](https://newh2oenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/3D_Surface-to-drift.jpg)
HDM is initially targeting electricity supply for peak demand periods, planning on disruptive green capture of base load supply and is examining potentially dominant entry to the market for Hydrogen. The Company, an unforeseen player, aims to be a profitable facilitator of moving to low cost green electricity and hydrogen and to expedite the transition from fossil fuels to renewables on a global scale.
The company is building a business, not a series of projects. It has a development strategy of moving first and fast, of attracting the attention of the range of financiers required to fund progressively larger projects, and demonstrate the competence of the management team by delivering projects on time/budget, building on the key skills of knowing how coal mines are developed and how to install equipment and operate in coal mines.